Steuerberaterin, Steuerfachwirtin
Anika Stevens
Anika is in 2004, the year of the establishment of the firm, started her training with us and has been an irreplaceable part of our team ever since. In 2013, she successfully passed the tax specialist exam, and since passing the tax advisor exam in 2019, she has been working with us as a tax advisor.
She is particularly specialized in questions regarding wage tax and social security law, as well as in the preparation of income tax returns. In addition, she brings many years of experience in preparing annual financial statements and company tax returns. She benefits greatly from her career path from training to tax specialist to tax advisor, and the fact that she learned tax law from the ground up.
Steuerberaterin, Steuerfachwirtin
Anika Stevens
Anika is in 2004, the year of the establishment of the firm, started her training with us and has been an irreplaceable part of our team ever since. In 2013, she successfully passed the tax specialist exam, and since passing the tax advisor exam in 2019, she has been working with us as a tax advisor.
She is particularly specialized in questions regarding wage tax and social security law, as well as in the preparation of income tax returns. In addition, she brings many years of experience in preparing annual financial statements and company tax returns. She benefits greatly from her career path from training to tax specialist to tax advisor, and the fact that she learned tax law from the ground up.
Steuerberaterin, Steuerfachwirtin
Anika Stevens
Anika is in 2004, the year of the establishment of the firm, started her training with us and has been an irreplaceable part of our team ever since. In 2013, she successfully passed the tax specialist exam, and since passing the tax advisor exam in 2019, she has been working with us as a tax advisor.
She is particularly specialized in questions regarding wage tax and social security law, as well as in the preparation of income tax returns. In addition, she brings many years of experience in preparing annual financial statements and company tax returns. She benefits greatly from her career path from training to tax specialist to tax advisor, and the fact that she learned tax law from the ground up.
Steuerberaterin, Steuerfachwirtin
Anika Stevens
Anika is in 2004, the year of the firm's founding, started her training with us and has since been an indispensable part of our team. In 2013, she successfully passed the tax specialist exam, and since the passing of the tax advisor exam in 2019, she has been working with us as a tax advisor.
She is particularly specialized in questions regarding wage tax and social security law, as well as in the preparation of income tax returns. She also brings with her years of experience in preparing annual financial statements and corporate tax returns. In this respect, she benefits particularly from her career path from training, tax specialist to tax advisor, and the fact that she learned tax law from the ground up.

Opstellen van handels- en belastingrechtelijke jaarrekeningen en belastingaangiften voor cliënten van alle rechtsvormen
Gespecialiseerd in eigentijdse digitale afhandeling van loonadministratie en salarisverwerking
Implementatie van digitale boekhoudsystemen
Advies op het gebied van E-commerce
Advies inzake loonbelasting en sociale verzekeringen
Fiscaal en bedrijfseconomisch advies voor natuurlijke personen en rechtspersonen, met name advies aan ondernemingen op het gebied van belastingherstructurering, opstellen van model- en fiscale planningsberekeningen ter ondersteuning van bedrijfseconomische besluitvorming
Opzetten en optimaliseren van bedrijfsprocessen met integratie van IT-systemen en softwareoplossingen, evenals aanpassing van rapportages op het gebied van boekhouding
Advies inzake bedrijfsoverdracht, inclusief schenkingen en erfbelasting
Uitvoeren van bedrijfswaarderingen
Omzetbelasting, met name bij grensoverschrijdende situaties
Speelberger Str. 11
46446 Emmerich am Rhein
Telefon: 02822 / 9155690
Mo. - Do. 07:30 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
Fr. 08:00 Uhr - 13:00 Uhr

Speelberger Str. 11
46446 Emmerich am Rhein
Telefon: 02822 / 9155690
Mo. - Do. 07:30 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
Fr. 08:00 Uhr - 13:00 Uhr

Speelberger Str. 11
46446 Emmerich am Rhein
Telefon: 02822 / 9155690
Mo. - Do. 07:30 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
Fr. 08:00 Uhr - 13:00 Uhr